
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

 There will be CCA activity this coming Wednesday, (24/4/2024)

Junior Cadets’s reporting attire: Report in Black Corporate tee with PE pants.

Senior Cadet’s reporting attire: Report in Black Corporate tee with PE pants.

Cadet Leader’s reporting attire: Report in Black Corporate tee with PE pants. Those going speech day report in Vest Slack with headgear at respective time.

Senior Cadet Leader’s reporting attire: Report in Black Corporate tee with PE pants. Those going speech day report in Vest Slack with headgear at respective time.

Reporting venue: Each part to put bags in two neat rows in store,  Part As, Bs, Cs and Ds report to concourse 

Time: 1525 - depending on what time the company is done decorating the posters 

Have your lunch before reporting for activity.
If anybody is going to be late or absent for activity, please contact either your respective ICs or me. Do not bring along your phones and wallet to CCA. Fall in at your respective venues on time, bags to be placed in the store in two neat rows. All to leave the school by 1830, none to stay in the canteen after CCA, take your bags and go.

Everyone is expected to be at their best behaviour at all times, both during and after CCA.
Any misbehaviour or disrespectful behaviour will not be tolerated.


(1) Remember to bring your water bottles and fill them to the brim for the water parade before activity.
(2) Have your lunch before coming for CCA.
(3) Please bring a 1.5 litre bottle of water

To Serve with Pride and Dedication! NCC!
MSG Kan Wei Sen